刘庆庭,男,1967年4月出生,工学博士,教授,博士生导师。美国University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign博士后。国家糖料产业技术体系机械化研究室主任,岗位科学家。农业农村部甘蔗全程机械化科研基地主任。农业农村部农作物生产全程机械化专家指导组甘蔗组成员,广东省主要农作物全程机械化专家指导组甘蔗组组长。广东省甘蔗学会副理事长,《甘蔗糖业》编辑委员会副主任委员。主持国家和省部级科技项目20余项,发表学术论文90余篇。
[1]Hai Xu, Qingting Liu et al.Investigation of the Trajectory of Expelled Billets from the Chopping Rollers of a Sugarcane Harvester.Sugar Tech.2020.
[2]Meimei Wang, Qingting Liu et al.Experimental Study of the Seed-Filling Uniformity of Sugarcane Single-Bud Billet Planter.Sugar Tech.2021.
[3]Tao Wu, Qingting Liu et al.Design and Development of Tracked Sugarcane Transporte.Sugar Tech.2021.
[4]Tao Wu, Qing-Ting Liu et al.Chopper Sugarcane Combine Harvester with Middle-Mounted Primary Extractor.Sugar Tech.2020.
[5]Qingting Liu et al.Design and Testing of a Diamond-Shaped Four-Wheeled Gantry-like Sugarcane Cultivator.Sugar Tech.2021.
[6]Ren JH, Wu T et al.Discrete Element Simulation Modeling Method and Parameters Calibration of Sugarcane Leaves.AGRONOMY-BASEL.2022.
[7]Wang MM, Liu QT et al.Numerical Simulation and Verification of Seed-Filling Performance of Single-Bud Billet Sugarcane Seed-Metering Device Based on EDEM.AGRONOMY-BASEL.2022.
[8]Wang MM, Liu QT et al.Experimental Study of the Planting Uniformity of Sugarcane Single-Bud Billet Planters.AGRONOMY-BASEL.2022.
[9]Meimei Wang, Qingting Liu et al.Determination of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Sugarcane Single-Bud Blittes.Journal of the ASABE.2022.